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View dbx files

no_access - If true, the user may see that the folder exists, but any attempts to view its’ contents will return an error.Calling /files/list_folder on that folder will only return the subset of paths that the user can access. traverse_only - If true, the user only has traversal rights on the folder.read_only - If true, the content of the shared folder is readable, but can’t be modified by the user.The field is optional and appears on files that inside of shared folders. The access rights of the content is returned in the sharing_info field of the file’s metadata.

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If it’s true, then your results have been paginated and you’ll need to call /files/list_folder/continue with the cursor from your response. When listing folder content, you should always check the has_more flag. Best choice for admins using the Dropbox-API-Select-Admin headerĬonsider how your app needs to interact with Dropbox files and choose the best file reference for your needs. Useful for referencing files in shared folders mounted in different locations for each user References a file in a specific namespace, which is a unique permission space Best choice for referencing a file at a specific point in timeĤ. Useful for version control, restoring deleted files, and managing conflicting copies

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References a specific version of a file Best choice for reliable, accurate reference to a specific fileģ. Useful for apps referencing files that are moved around

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Unique file reference that persists if files are moved or renamed Best choice for referencing a file by name in a specific locationĢ. Dependent on the file name and location staying the same There are multiple ways to reference a file that can be used as path parameter:ġ. When using the Dropbox API to interact with a specific file, most /files/ endpoints require a path that points to a specific file.

View dbx files